Pranostika je krátky výrok, ktorý vznikol na základe mnohoročných pozorovaní a skúseností ľudí. Väčšinou sa viaže ku konkrétnemu dátumu, prípadne mesiacu alebo ročnému obdobiu.
Na hodine literatúry sme si zo žiakmi zopakovali vedomosti o pranostikách. Keďže sa však nachádzame vo svete a v časoch globálneho otepľovania a súčasné údaje o teplotách sa už nemusia zhodovať s tými, ktoré kedysi vnímali naši predkovia, rozhodli sme sa túto zaujímavú tému sledovať a skúmať. Spoločne sme vyhľadávali pranostiky, predovšetkým tie, ktoré sa týkali teploty a zapisovali sme si údaje, ktoré sme pozorovali. Výsledky sme si potom zhodnotili a porovnali.
Úloha pre partnerov: Aké pranostiky máte vo vašej ľudovej slovesnosti na mesiace apríl a máj? Skúste ich porovnať s našimi a tiež porovnajte výrok pranostiky so súčasným stavom počasia.
A proverb is a short statement that was made on the ground of many years of observation and experience of people. Mostly, it is connected with concrete date, sometimes with month or season.We have repeated knowledge about proverbs with students during literature lesson. As nowadays the treatment of global warming is acute and temperature data of these days don´t have to be the same as those in the past, we decided to follow and examine this interesting topic. We have looked up all the proverbs, mainly those involving temperature, and we have recorded all the data we observed. The results were evaluated and compared.
The task for partners: What proverbs do you have in your folk literature for April and May? Try to compare it with ours and also compare the statement of proverb with nowadays weather.
A proverb is a short statement that was made on the ground of many years of observation and experience of people. Mostly, it is connected with concrete date, sometimes with month or season.We have repeated knowledge about proverbs with students during literature lesson. As nowadays the treatment of global warming is acute and temperature data of these days don´t have to be the same as those in the past, we decided to follow and examine this interesting topic. We have looked up all the proverbs, mainly those involving temperature, and we have recorded all the data we observed. The results were evaluated and compared.
The task for partners: What proverbs do you have in your folk literature for April and May? Try to compare it with ours and also compare the statement of proverb with nowadays weather.
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