Na Slovensku nastalo po minulotýždňových návaloch snehu náhle oteplenie a sneh sa počas víkendu začal veľmi rýchlo topiť. V mnohých obciach na Orave došlo k záplavám.
V obci ................... ................... (exkurzia - meteorologická stanica) naďalej trvá 3. stupeň povodňovej aktivity. Kritická situácia zo soboty, keď ľadová povodeň zaplavila suterény domov a pred lyžiarskym strediskom zaparkované autá poľských turistov, sa vďaka ochladeniu trochu stabilizovala.
After last week influxes of snow in Slovakia, there was a sudden increase of temperature and snow started melting last weekend. In many villages in Orava region we had floods.
In village ……………………… ……………………. (excursion – meteorological station) they still have the 3rd degree of flood activity. Critical situation from Saturday, when ice flood flooded basements of houses and at the ski resort cars of polish tourists were flooded, due to drop of temperature situation got stabilized.
Doplňte názov obce.
After last week influxes of snow in Slovakia, there was a sudden increase of temperature and snow started melting last weekend. In many villages in Orava region we had floods.
In village ……………………… ……………………. (excursion – meteorological station) they still have the 3rd degree of flood activity. Critical situation from Saturday, when ice flood flooded basements of houses and at the ski resort cars of polish tourists were flooded, due to drop of temperature situation got stabilized.
Oravská lesná. :))